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The Happiness !!!

I got overwhelmed to find what is the meaning of happiness when I walked through the Pub street of Eindhoven in Nederlands at 12:00 clock Saturday Midnight. People... People Everywhere... Sound of Disco drums in your ear buds... Puffs of Cigarettes fly around... Smell of fermented wine and Beer invades Nostrils... Under the shades of New Moon and Darkness colorful lights of Dance bars wheels around... Girls and Boys... Ladies and Gentleman... Grandmas and Grandpas... (sparing kids and minors) Dressed exposingly blatantly people walk around... Its so crowded... And then came the obscuring sight... In the pub street at the Centrum stands the magnificent jaw dropping church of 18 th century... A golden Cross sits at its top... Its majestic brick towers shines in moonlight... And the weirdest scenery is the big group of drunken people dancing on the courtyards of church... Its vulgar or normal... I cant tell...They are boozed and drugged (Drugs are legal in many cities of Nederlands)... They are happy ... very happy... I can see bliss in their face...! But I cannot stand there not for a minute... I felt insecure... I looked the people as they are Aliens.. And now I felt like I am standing like an Alien in front of them.. My fingers did a symbolic cross and bowed to Jesus... While my mouth murmured "Oh my god Sri Raghavendra"... I started walking swiftly out of the place... When I reached the crowds of narrow Pub street I am jogging... also feeling claustrophobic started running... thinking now...Its their current culture... I just got a culture shock again... Last vivid memory is my initial college days ... I stopped and stood at the stream of Dommel bridge controlling what its all about ... (Unfortunately I quit smoking, if not these kind of intense moments will be quite good to be accompanied by a puff of Nicotine) The life I see is definitely not new.. Differentiating thing is the large scale practice, gender agnosticism, environment of religious relic in front and feeling of Alienism ... Yes people are happy.. But I am not... Let them be like that and I am going to be a conservative... cultures differ and culture differ... Its their life and mine is different... I am not a religious preacher hence I am not a judge... They may be right...Or we may be right...both may be...Only the silent spectator Christ knows what is what...
Tail Piece: The next day I inquired with some of my Dutch friends whether they go to Pub streets or used to go... Most told they wont go. They also told most of the people wont go there ever Or quit after some time in their life (as they become family oriented guys) ... Might not pubs but social drinking is common... Anyway its consoling for me. It consolidates my premise that although cultures differ vastly they have an underlying value system which meets at some distant points ...


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