The other thing I am very happy about this is it marks a point which reminds me that how I lived wastefully till now and says to me Don't do this again....! I will say my first 10 years of life went beautifully because "I" did not exist. The next 10 years is the development of "I". This "I" was a very common average man. On all those years I dont know what I studied and what for I am studying. Although I know my interests are.. I dont had any goals. I too felt that college friends will be there ever in life (and learnt it is not so)... I too infatuated with any pretty girls I see (and learnt it is not love)... I too played most of the time...watched TV most of the time...without knowing how serious life is... But the last ten years in my life is full of real experiences that taught me what is what. Out of college opened a new world! The pressure to find a job & start yearning showed me what is important and what is not! This is where I practically felt that "Like a bike runs with Petrol this world runs because of money". In these years the single most important thing I found is how important it is to make money! And at the same important to live and not becoming a money making machine...
I am no more young according to the general notion of youngness. I am crossing the Lakshman Rekha of age for youngness. I am hitting 30. This birthday I feel really really happy and proud for! I am waiting for that!!! There are lot of things that makes me to feel happy on my 30th birthday. Foremost important thing I am very happy about this birthday is I am no more an youngster or said so. Because all these years taught me right thing after doing wrong things.... I dont want to learn right things that way. And this milestone age 30 symbolises me that I reached a point in my life where I learn right things by doing right things.