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Showing posts from September, 2009

My age hitting 30 and I am very very happy about it...!!!

I am no more young according to the general notion of youngness. I am crossing the Lakshman Rekha of age for youngness. I am hitting 30. This birthday I feel really really happy and proud for! I am waiting for that!!! There are lot of things that makes me to feel happy on my 30th birthday. Foremost important thing I am very happy about this birthday is I am no more an youngster or said so. Because all these years taught me right thing after doing wrong things.... I dont want to learn right things that way. And this milestone age 30 symbolises me that I reached a point in my life where I learn right things by doing right things. The other thing I am very happy about this is it marks a point which reminds me that how I lived wastefully till now and says to me Don't do this again....! I will say my first 10 years of life went beautifully because "I" did not exist. The next 10 years is the development of "I". This "I" was a very common average man. On all ...