I used to watch Eelam war from my school days. I used to study all the war news of Srilanka published in Tamil, English news papers and magazines. I read about history and politics of Srilanka to understand Eelam struggle. I knew all about Sinhalese chauvinism and righteousness for tamil self-determination. I knew all the historical events that led to offshoot of violent struggle from non-violence. All these made me a supporter for Eelam cause from my college days. I did support LTTE because there is nobody there to fight for the Eelam in reality. Against my inner self which told that violence cannot succeed on it's own, I too believed that Eelam can be completely achieved by armed struggle. Without any doubt the Tigers too believed it. But they made a mistake. They believed it too much. Whatever obstacles they came across they used arms to shatter it. This led to a single historical mistake which changed the course of eelam war. I can simply say that when Rajiv Gandhi was killed by them at the same minute the hope to Eelam also died. The defeat happened at that moment not now. By killing him they lost the support of India and very very importantly Tamils in India. They also did a second big mistake they never took any steps to kindle the passion of Tamils in Tamilnadu. Or atleast I will say when they were militarily superior they might have tried to forge an alliance for peace talks. But they always believed in arms. They are powerful and ideologically oriented superbly. But they are not able to sustain as a conventional military force.
Whenever any news comes about a dead Tiger it makes my heart sad. Whenever I hear a Tamil civilian is killed by Sinhalese army it makes me depressed. Till now in the war more than 30,000 Tamil Tigers has lost their lives. It brings me tears... The dream of Tamil Eelam is at end...It's no more a reality practically... A 30 year armed struggle seems to be in a dead-end.... With tears I ask the god.... Did all the Tamil Tigers and the Tamil people who gave their lives fighting for the Tamils died for nothing ?! Answer me....