Lot of people who killed others in name of religion and ethnicity were first time murderers. Ordinary people like you and me did that. Believe me, Yes. You are capable to do that atrocious act. If you believe in something vehemently without doubt. If you are deconstructed it will not happen.
What is deconstruction?
Deconstruction is having multiple beliefs. You believe in God but the same time you believe that you came because of evolution. You believe in Horoscopes at the same time you know that they could be fake. You believe in Rama at the same time you know that he might not lived. You are fragmented such that you might not believe in a single truth.
How to deconstruct yourself?
Its simple.... be aware and doubt any single belief. Deconstruction is nothing but maturity in mind that comes from experience. Here the experience is not the age, instead it is the knowledge you have about the world and its dynamics.
Is that confusing to have multiple beliefs?
Nope. As having a single belief can be deadly!
My best wishes to become a popular blog writter.